We were always impressed when Wendy's friend, Robyn B., would come over and kill us all in Scrabble. They were REALLY good in that family.
Ray has been my latest victim. When I met him, I learned that his family was big into Scrabble. That's when I knew I was in--I would even play with them without Ray! They are all really good too. They play "open dictionary" style in order to learn words, which is nice, though it does make for a long game. Nonetheless, Ray and I have adopted the "open dictionary" style ourselves.
Ray is better at the game than I would like him to be, and beats me more than half the time. That's OK--it doesn't make me want to quit playing. I've found that staying home and caring for these foster babies has increased my interest for more mind-taxing activities in the evenings. Besides that, its cold and dark outside. Thankfully Ray has been willing to humor me.
Here is the start of our game board tonight. It made for a tougher game later on because we had nowhere to build on!

And later...note our "2-letter words" cheat sheet at the bottom of the photo.
The finished board. Ray won, of course.
Go to this link if you need word lists for your Scrabble playing. Lists like: words with J, X and Z, 3-letter words, words containing 66% or more vowels, Q words without U, etc. They're very helpful!
Yeah, you are really an addict if you have pictures of the progressing board. Love it.
I got your Christmas card today. I opened it first with pleasure. Amelia is adorable, and I love how you wrote that she is teaching you how to be parents. So sweet. I'm sure you are both doing a great job.
Please ask Paige where she got my scrabble necklace. You need one. Also, have you tried speed scrabble? So fun and you can play when you only have a few minutes!
holy cow, I would loose hard! I've gotta get game.
Wouldn't it be fun to challenge Robyn now? I'd like to see if she's still got the skills - I'm sure she does.
Eth? What the eth is that?
You big cheater.
One time a guy I was dating wrote platypus, using all his letters. I ALMOST married him.
Courtney I tagged you again. You really need to do it this time.
I wish you were here to play a great Scrabble game right now. It's been too long since I've played.
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