Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Yellowstone in the Fall

We were hooked up with the use of a large lodge in Island Park, near Yellowstone. We invited a bunch of our friends and went at the end of September.

There were five different families that went, and afterwards we all shared our photos. Most of the following were not taken by me! But I must say, Jenn's camera and photos inspired us to take it up a notch on our pending camera purchase.

There are over 80 photos posted below--just couldn't resist! [At least I didn't post all 450!]

Reunion Lodge

Day One of Yellowstone: South Loop

And then a buffalo walks through the site! Like he owned the place! We had only been in the park about an hour and a half at this point, but I could have gone home after was just so amazing and cool. Scary, but awesome to be only thirty or forty feet away from him. He didn't seem to pay much attention to us, thankfully!

And then Carson, who was in the very back seat next to me, tossed his cookies. The only spare clothes around were some of Maddie's pink ones, and we all had a lot of jokes about it the rest of the trip! He took it like a man!

Day Two in Yellowstone--North Loop. Only one carload of us went this time.